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ksoft Releases G-Zapper 2.5 Google Cookie Blocker | 7/21/2008 @ 9:06pm |
The latest version of G-Zapper 2.5, the Google Cookie Blocker, has been released and now supports Firefox 3. Check out the full press release for details and download a copy today!
Trenton, NJ - 22 July 2008 - ksoft announces the release of version 2.5 of G-Zapper, its popular solution to detect, identify, and clean the Google cookie and search terms from PCs.
Did you know that Google stores a unique identifier in a cookie on your PC, which allows them to track the keywords you search for? They use this information to compile reports, track user habits, and test features. In the future, it is possible they could even sell this information or share it with others. You may be surprised to find that a Google cookie exists on your PC; and even more surprised to find out how long its been there. G-Zapper solves this problem and protects your search privacy by automatically identifying, detecting, and deleting the Google cookie and search terms from your PC.
Read the full press release for more details.
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ksoft Releases SocialSpeed - Social Bookmark Submiter | 11/1/2008 @ 7:56pm |
We're excited to announce the release of one of the most powerful solutions for submitting your web sites as social bookmarks to the social bookmark search engines and the web 2.0 world!
Introducing SocialSpeed.
With just a few clicks, you can submit your sites, blogs, and feeds as social bookmarks to over 22+ social bookmarking sites, such as Twitter, Newsvine, Delicious, Furl, and much more. Manually submitting social bookmarks used to be an extremely tedious process. SocialSpeed now makes it a breeze.
Don't miss out on the importance of promoting your web content via social bookmarking. Download the free trial of SocialSpeed and see for yourself how the impact of the web 2.0 world can increase your web traffic results!
Download SocialSpeed
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How to Promote Your Site with Social Bookmarks | 11/10/2008 @ 4:57pm |

Everyone wants to make money. We create web sites, launch businesses, and sell products online to make money. But without the traffic, your web site's success is limited. There are several sure-fire ways to attract more visitors to your web site, including SEO optimization of your pages, submitting to search engines, submitting to article directories, submitting RSS feeds, and most recently, submitting your links as social bookmarks.
With the ever-growing number of web sites emerging each day, the major search engines are becoming more and more cluttered with sites. This has lead to the rise of social bookmark sites, where users vote up or down content they like, boosting highly ranked links to the top. Some examples of these sites include Furl, Delicious, Faves, Twitter, Reddit, Digg, and many more. The social bookmark search engines can deliver an incredible amount of traffic in a matter of minutes to those lucky enough to be voted to the top. Targetted traffic or not, the enormous number of users that can flow to a web site from a social bookmark can be quite impressive. However, if you're not submitting your links as social bookmarks, you're really missing out.
Let's dig down into preparing your content for the social networks, submitting your links to the social bookmark sites, and making more money.
The first step to using social bookmarks is to prepare your content for submission. While almost any type of content can be submitting as a social bookmark, the formats that work best include blog posts, articles, and news. Even if you own a static web site, selling a product, you can create a news or blog post based upon the product to ready it for submission.
Be sure to create an interesting and content-rich post, specifically with a snappy and catchy title. This is what will attract the most votes from users. Remember, users get to vote your links up or down, and getting to the top of the social network sites is what drives the most traffic back to your own site.
Submitting to the social bookmark search engines can be a time-intensive process. Each social bookmark site requires a login, and each has their own format for submitting links. Therefore, you'll need to create a login account on each site you plan to submit to. While it may be time consuming to create these accounts, you only have to do this once, and the results are far worth the setup time. Try to use the same login account and password for each site in order to simplify the submission process.
With your content ready and your login accounts created, it's time to submit. While you could visit each social bookmarking site and manually submit your links, you can help speed the process along by using one of the available software solutions for promoting social bookmarks, such as SocialSpeed (which not only submits, but speeds up the process for initially creating your login accounts too). With just a few clicks, your social bookmarks should be on their way into thousands of potential web site visitors. A word of caution, with the power of automatic submission, it's easy to go overboard. Be couteous to the users of the social networks and take your time.
With any luck, your links will be voted higher in rank, spidered by the major search engines, bookmarked by hundreds of users, and shared throughout the social web. It might be a good idea to mention that your web server should be prepared for a possible surge of traffic.
Social bookmarking is a powerful method of promoting your web content and spreading your links in a way that users can share. By submitting to the social bookmark directories, you can dramatically increase your web traffic, jumping higher in not just the social networks, but the major search engines as well.
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Introducing BlogPingy for the iPhone iTouch | 1/12/2009 @ 4:45pm |
We're excited to announce the release of BlogPingy for the iPhone and iPod Touch, the easiest way to ping your blog to 30+ blog directories straight from your iPhone!
With just a few taps, you can easily ping and submit your blog updates to over 30 blog search engines including: Weblogs, NewsGator, Feed Burner, Pingomatic, Blo.gs, BlogRolling, Technorati, Feedster, Blogdigger, Moreover, Syndic8, My Yahoo!, Weblogalot, and many more!
By pinging your blog each time it's updated, you'll notify the blog directories of your new content and help increase your search engine traffic, rankings, and blog readership!
If you have an iPhone and a blog, then BlogPingy is an absolute must! Download your copy today, available in the iTunes Store.
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BlogPingy Lite - Free Edition | 1/19/2009 @ 12:30pm |
Following the release of BlogPingy, a tool to ping your blog to 30+ blog directories from your iPhone or iTouch, we've now released BlogPingy Lite - Free Edition!
BlogPingy Lite pings and submits your blog to 5+ blog directories from your iPhone and supports the following directories:
So if you've recently picked up an iPhone and have begun mobile-blogging, pick yourself up a copy of BlogPingy and start enhancing your blog's SEO from your mobile phone!
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Join us on Twitter and FriendFeed | 1/24/2009 @ 11:06am |
There is a lot of hype building around Twitter and FriendFeed. If you're just hearing about them now, why not give it a try? We've connected the ksoft blog, so come join us on Twitter and FriendFeed.
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Automate Twitter with your RSS Feed | 1/24/2009 @ 1:49pm |
Having been recently introduced to Twitter, I'm finding ways to integrate the service with the ksoft blog. If you haven't heard of Twitter, its been characterized as MySpace on steroids, or as I like to call it, public instant messaging. But for those thinking they don't have the time to deal with a Twitter account and the daily involvement, did you know you can automate it?
Users follow twitter accounts to keep up-to-date on various news and announcements, similar to how users read RSS feeds via their feed reader to stay updated on their favorite bloggers. As Twitter is gaining in popularity, more users are exclusively following Twitter accounts, rather than prior media formats. So why not aggregate your RSS feed to Twitter too?
If you've got a blog, then you've probably got an RSS feed too. Hopefully, you've already been promoting your RSS feed to increase your readership. Here's how to add Twitter to the list of sites aggregating your feed:
1. First and foremost, make sure your blog has RSS feed auto-discovery. You'll need this for FriendFeed and the various other aggregate services to locate your RSS feed.
2. Create a Twitter account, if you don't already have one.
3. Create a FriendFeed account.
4. In FriendFeed, click the Import Site link and select Blog (it has the RSS feed icon).
5. Enter your blog's URL and click Import Blog. FriendFeed will pick up the blog content and associated RSS feed.
6. Back in FriendFeed, click Account and scroll down to Feed Publishing. Select the option to Post My FriendFeed entries on Twitter. It's a good idea to checkmark Link to Source Site so that your Twitter posts will link to your blog, rather than to FriendFeed.
7. Save the changes, you're now connected.
At this point, your blog (and its associated RSS feed) is now connected to Twitter via FriendFeed. Posts made to your blog will automatically appear on Twitter. Note, when making a blog post, there may be a delay before it appears in Twitter. You can help speed this along by pinging your blog from your PC or iPhone to let the aggregate services know about your update. You can now enjoy the fact that you've just given your users one extra way to follow you!
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Want Some iPhone Ice Cream? | 1/25/2009 @ 12:03pm |
It may be Winter, but there's no better time to get some ice cream on your iPhone than today, with our recently released iPhone game, Ice Cream Taps!
Tap your way through eight delectable ice cream deserts in this easy to play, casual game for the iPhone and iTouch, available in the iTunes AppStore.
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Do You Prefer Pepperoni or Mushrooms with Your iPhone? | 1/30/2009 @ 10:54am |
Everyone's favorite food is now available on the iPhone and iTouch, with our recently released game, Pizza Bites!
Exercise your fingers with eight different types of pizza, including pepperoni pizza, Sicilian pizza, fully loaded topping pizza, calzone, stromboli, and more! This casual game is easy to play, yet hard to put down! Available in the iTunes AppStore.
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