We've got a big update for RSS Submit 5. It's been about a year since the initial release of RSS Submit 5 and there have been lots of great feature suggestions. One feature that has been consistently requested was to allow for automatic captcha-solving. I've considered this feature for quite some time, but have held off for a while, until the new edition software had matured. Well, I'm happy to announce that the latest version of RSS Submit v5.909 now includes fully automated integration with the captcha service DeathByCaptcha. Even better, support can be added for additional services in the future.
So, how can it be enabled? First, download the latest version software (registered users can just click Upgrade in the software).
To enable captcha-solving:
1. In RSS Submit 5, click the Options button.
2. Checkmark the new option "Enable automatic captcha solving".
3. Click the "Setup" link that appears next to the checkbox text.
4. Enter your DeathByCaptcha username and password.
5. Click Test to confirm your account.
6. Click OK.
7. Click OK.
Now when you perform a submission and the captcha dialog displays, you'll see a message along the bottom of the captcha dialog with status as the captcha is automatically solved. Once solved, the captcha will be automatically entered into the textbox and a countdown will start (10 seconds by default), before the OK button is automatically clicked and the feed is submitted.
If a captcha is solved incorrectly, click the countdown area to cancel the automatic countdown/submission and report the error back to the service. In this case, you can manually enter the captcha text and continue to the next site.
Don't want to use automated captcha-solving? No problem. Just leave the option disabled.
If you haven't yet tried RSS Submit 5, download a free trial and give it a shot!