Auto-Refresh a Salesforce Dashboard in Chrome with Easy Auto Refresh
7/20/2015 @ 8:58am
Easy Auto Refresh is handy for a lot of different uses. Did you know that it can be used to auto-refresh Salesforce dashboards and reports?
Salesforce dashboards have a refresh button that you can click to reload the dashboard data, without reloading the entire web page. You can tell Easy Auto Refresh to automatically click the refresh button with a couple of easy steps. Here's a video that demonstrates it:
Navigate to your Salesforce dashboard page that you'd like to auto-refresh or auto-reload.
Find the "Refresh" button on the page. Right-click on the refresh button and select "Inspect element".
In the Developer Tools window that displays, look at the highlighted piece of HTML (that represents your button) and find the "id=" fragment. Double-click the id inside the quotes and copy it. For example: fctRefreshBtn
Open Easy Auto Refresh and click Advanced Options.
Checkmark the option "Refresh by clicking link or button".
In the textbox, paste the id that you copied from the steps above.
In the front of the id, include a # sign. For example: #fctRefreshBtn
You should see a green checkmark next to the textbox. This indicates that the id entered is valid.
Click Start to begin refreshing. Easy Auto Refresh will automatically click the button when the countdown timer reaches zero.
On some Salesforce dashboards, the refresh button may be inside an iframe on the web page. In this case, the command that you enter in the textbox will be a little longer. It will look something like this (all on one line):