Having been recently introduced to Twitter, I'm finding ways to integrate the service with the ksoft blog. If you haven't heard of Twitter, its been characterized as MySpace on steroids, or as I like to call it, public instant messaging. But for those thinking they don't have the time to deal with a Twitter account and the daily involvement, did you know you can automate it?
Users follow twitter accounts to keep up-to-date on various news and announcements, similar to how users read RSS feeds via their feed reader to stay updated on their favorite bloggers. As Twitter is gaining in popularity, more users are exclusively following Twitter accounts, rather than prior media formats. So why not aggregate your RSS feed to Twitter too?
If you've got a blog, then you've probably got an RSS feed too. Hopefully, you've already been promoting your RSS feed to increase your readership. Here's how to add Twitter to the list of sites aggregating your feed:
1. First and foremost, make sure your blog has RSS feed auto-discovery. You'll need this for FriendFeed and the various other aggregate services to locate your RSS feed.
2. Create a Twitter account, if you don't already have one.
3. Create a FriendFeed account.
4. In FriendFeed, click the Import Site link and select Blog (it has the RSS feed icon).
5. Enter your blog's URL and click Import Blog. FriendFeed will pick up the blog content and associated RSS feed.
6. Back in FriendFeed, click Account and scroll down to Feed Publishing. Select the option to Post My FriendFeed entries on Twitter. It's a good idea to checkmark Link to Source Site so that your Twitter posts will link to your blog, rather than to FriendFeed.
7. Save the changes, you're now connected.
At this point, your blog (and its associated RSS feed) is now connected to Twitter via FriendFeed. Posts made to your blog will automatically appear on Twitter. Note, when making a blog post, there may be a delay before it appears in Twitter. You can help speed this along by pinging your blog from your PC or iPhone to let the aggregate services know about your update. You can now enjoy the fact that you've just given your users one extra way to follow you!