Launching a new web site can be hard work. Getting it listed in the search engines can be even tougher. But fear not! We've got the perfect tool to help give your site a jumpstart!
Introducing, BacklinkSpeed, the easiest way to submit your web site and domain to over 33 backlink sites and directories, giving an instant boost to the indexing of your site by the major search engines.

BacklinkSpeed submits directly to a large variety of domain, whois, and DNS statistic web sites. With the high visibility that these sites receive, you can greatly speed up the time it takes to get indexed, gain instant backlinks, increase visibility to the search engines, and of course, increase your web site traffic.
With this brand new release, we're happy to offer a $5 discount through our blog, off the purchase of any licensed edition of BacklinkSpeed (limited-time offer).
Head on over and download a FREE trial of BacklinkSpeed and see just how easy it is to give a simple boost to your traffic and stay a few steps ahead of your competition!