PrivacyDummy! Help Pages
by k.soft

    What does this do?   Settings
    What History Objects are Cleaned?    Quick Start Guide
    Why register?  Support








  What does this do?

Did you know that your computer retains many facts about programs run, web sites visited, files downloaded, people you've chatted with, and even information about you? PrivacyDummy! is the perfect solution to clean your PC's tracks.

PrivacyDummy! cleans a multitude of tracks starting with the most obvious ones - Internet Explorer web browsing history. PrivacyDummy! is so thorough in its cleaning that not even an advanced computer user would be able to recover your surfing or computing habits by searching on your PC. 

When using PrivacyDummy!, you would start off by clicking Scan. This will list all history objects on your PC so you know what information someone could extract from your PC. You can then click Clean to erase the desired history tracks.

PrivacyDummy! includes the ability to select which objects to clean, which to leave alone, along with backup and restore features. Each time a cleaning is performed, PrivacyDummy! can create a backup of your registry which can be restored if needed. PrivacyDummy! is the ultimate history cleaner!

PrivacyDummy! cleans the following history objects:

Internet Explorer Typed URLs Windows Find Computer History Windows Temporary Files
Internet Explorer URL History Windows Find File History Recycle Bin
Internet Explorer Auto-Complete Forms Windows Last Logged In User AOL Instant Messenger Login/Buddies
Internet Explorer Auto-Complete Passwords Windows Network History Media Player Recently Viewed Files
Internet Explorer Cache Windows Recently Viewed Documents Kazaa Usernames
Internet Explorer Cookies Windows Recently Run Programs WinZIP History
Internet Explorer Favorites Windows Dial-up Networking History WinRAR History
Google Toolbar Search Keywords Telnet History Regedit Last Edited Key
Microsoft Paint Recently Viewed Files Windows Clipboard Data Microsoft FrontPage Recently Edited Files
Windows Common Dialogs PrivacyDummy! Registry Backups Microsoft Office Recent Files
index.dat Files Real Media Player  







  PrivacyDummy! Settings

Scan: Scans your PC for all history objects selected in the settings. This is the easiest way to check your PC for potential history tracks which someone could extract from your computer.

Clean: Cleans your PC of all history objects selected in the settings.

Settings: Allows you to select which history objects to scan and clean. You can choose to only clean a few history objects or all of them. This button also contains an advanced settings screen, which contains option for disabling the registry backup feature.

Register/Upgrade: For trial users, purchase your registration code for the full version. For registered users, upgrades are always free.

Advanced Settings: Available by clicking the Settings->Advanced button.

Restore: Allows you to restore your registry and previous history by using one of the PrivacyDummy! registry backups.








  Why should you register?

Registering allows you to use the software beyond the 10-day trial period.
Registering gives you preferred customer support status.
Registering allows you to fully clean your PC.

Take advantage of the power of this software package and register today by clicking the register button in the software.






  Quick Start Guide

1. Run PrivacyDummy!.

2. Click the Settings button and select/deselect the history tracks you would like scanned/cleaned on your PC.

3. Click the Scan button to display all history tracks on your PC.

4. Click the Clean button to clean the history tracks from your PC.

5. Click the Scan button again to verify the history tracks have been erased and your PC is clean. Note, some history track files may remain, but their internal history data has been erased from the file. You may also need to logoff and log back into your PC to see all history changes.









For further support, questions, comments, contact:
ksoft Customer Support