My Fortune Cookie v1.0
today in the Apple iTunes AppStore.
My Fortune Cookie
is the fastest and easiest way to get your very own digital fortune
cookie! See your
fortune every day, without the crumbs, with just a
tap of your iPhone or iTouch device.
the money, success, and love in your future! My Fortune Cookie
allows you to easily see your authentic Chinese fortune by
cracking open the digital fortune cookie and
reading the results. With a vast number of
potential fortunes, My Fortune Cookie is sure to provide
you with new and exciting fortune cookie results
for years to come.
- Simple tap to
crack open fortune cookie.
- Large database
of authentic Chinese fortune cookie
- Double-tap to
save to your iPhone Photos.
- From Photos,
use your fortune cookie message as iPhone/iTouch
wallpaper or send via email and share with

just a single tap, you can crack open the
fortune cookie and see your daily fortune! After
opening your digital fortune cookie,
double-tap to save the picture to your
iPhone / iTouch photo album, where you can
set the picture as your iPhone desktop
wallpaper, email to others, or share with
friends. |
My Fortune Cookie
allows you to easily save your fortune
cookie messages to your photo album for
sharing on your iPhone / iTouch mobile
device. |