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k.soft's PopupDummy! Battles New-Age Popups

For Immediate Release 

For more information contact:
, k.soft
Email kory@dummysoftware.com
Web site http://www.dummysoftware.com

Philadelphia, PA, USA -- 22 September 2003 - With pop-up advertisement technology increasing throughout the online community, k.soft's PopupDummy! protects users from the worst in pop-up advertisements - the dreaded ad-ware program.

PopupDummy! is a Windows utility to block pop-up advertisements from Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, and desktop applications automatically.

Today, most users can find a dozen or more pop-up blocking products in a simple web search. However, advertisements have recently taken a few steps ahead of the technology war and are now using popular software products to display their pop-up windows for them - called ad-ware. These new pop-ups easily pass through most pop-up blocking tools today and often continue appearing long after the host software has been removed.

PopupDummy! solves this problem using several methods. The default method is by detecting pop-up advertisements as you browse the web and by monitoring your computer to block ad-ware components. PopupDummy! notifies the user when an ad-ware component is blocked by flashing the tray icon red and when a pop-up window is blocked by flashing blue. PopupDummy! also allows the user to define a block list of custom window titles. This effectively gives the user the power to block any intrusive window.

PopupDummy! allows you to set specific web addresses as safe and can also be temporarily turned off by holding down the control key while clicking a link.
Registered users receive upgrades to the latest version at no charge by visiting the company's web site to download and install the new version.

A fully functional demo is available to the public at http://www.popupdummy.com. Program registration is US$29.95, and may be completed from the company's web site.


Evaluation key available on request
