Submit - FeedBurner Traffic Support

RSS Submit contains built-in integration with FeedBurner's traffic statistics so you can keep an eye on RSS feed hits per day and per month.
For users unfamiliar with the service, FeedBurner is a free web service which provides RSS feed traffic statistics, along with other additional RSS feed management services.
RSS Submit's integration with FeedBurner adds a new column in your list of RSS feeds in the software, titled
FeedBurner Hits. This column displays the traffic for each RSS feed you have added in RSS Submit.
Requirements for FeedBurner Traffic
1. You must have an RSS feed hosted with FeedBurner. This is a free service.
2. You must activate your FeedBurner traffic
statistics by choosing one of the options below. * If
your FeedBurner account has moved to Google, you must
follow Option 2 below:
your FeedBurner account username/password in RSS
Submit by clicking the Traffic button.
You can also leave these fields blank and follow
the steps below.
your FeedBurner traffic to public so that
username/password is not required to view stats, as follows:
1. Login
to your FeedBurner account.
2. Click the title of the feed whose traffic
you want to access in RSS Submit.
3. Click the Publicize tab for the feed.
4. Click the Awareness API link along the left list of options.
5. In the Awareness window, click Activate and click Save (if needed).
RSS Submit uses FeedBurner's Developer API to integrate directly with FeedBurner's traffic system, pulling traffic statistics directly from their server.
By combining your RSS feed promotion using RSS Submit with FeedBurner, you gain powerful traffic statistics and can keep an eye on which feeds are doing best.
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